

Tekmovanje Reebok CrossFit Games 2015 Open je za nami. Uradno se je tekmovanja iz centra Reebok CrossFit Ljubljana udeležilo 14 članov: Jada Adcock, Florjan Rus, Luka Golob, Anže Kus, Goran Grbič, Simon Laganis, Sergij Potočnik, Jan Valenčak, Rok Vrečar, Tejo Vajdl, Matej Brumec, Blaž Lavrič, Martin Jezeršek, Jay Adcock; vseh 5 tednov pa so se vsi crossfitarji RCL družno prebijali skozi vseh 5 WOD-ov Opna 2015.

Brez izjeme so dosegli zavidljive rezultete, saj so v prvi vrsti tekmovali s seboj ter preverili, kako so napredovali v času treniranja pri nas, kje so njihove šibkosti in kje so posebej uspešni. Open bo služil tudi kot koristna iztočnica za trenerje, ki bodo še bolj pozorni na elemente vadbe, kjer so ugotovili, da je potrebno določenim segnentom posvetiti še več pozornosti. In kar je še bolj pomembno, Open je člane Reebok CrossFit Ljubljana še bolj povezal, saj so vsi držali pesti za “soborce” in brez izjeme vzpodbujali vse svoje kolege, prav tako pa z zanimanjem spremljali rezultate ostalih sodelujočih, ki si tudi zaslužijo čestitke.

Kaj je o zaključku povedal glavni trener RCL Jay Adcock:
14 brave souls from our gym entered the 2015 Open and in the end, 14 survived! One could complain about the way the workouts were geared toward one type of athlete or another, or how the scaled was or was not too easy or difficult, but the beauty of Crossfit is that we are prepared for the known and unknown. Whatever life throws our way, we are prepared both physically and mentally to take it on and we can do it together! For me, as one of your coaches, it was inspiring to see your efforts (this goes for every athlete in our gym) over the past 5 weeks. Some of you tested yourself by doing the Rx’d version of the wod and some of you were able to do the scaled version and you weren’t quite sure you could even do that…AND YOU DID! A big congratulations to 2 of our scales athletes for finishing in the top 100 in Europe – Anže Kus – 15th and Goran Grbic – 84th. Well done guys!

Though I didn’t score as well as I’d hoped on a couple of the wods, I was happy to be participating with you all. 6 months ago I was lying in the hospital in Ljubljana after having quite a tough and unexpected heart attack. I thought at that time that I could be out of Crossfit for a while. So the fact that I was able to participate, for this I am thankful! Crossfit is designed to be done in community, this is what makes it fun (fun when you are done with 15.5!), this is what makes us cheer for the person next to us and offer to clean up someone else’s equipment. Pushing each other to be great, to keep going, to pick up the bar…these are the things that make us better in the gym but they also make us better in LIFE! This is what Crossfit is! Until Open 2016…nice job athletes!

Šmartinska c. 106
+386 70 658 112
PON - PET: 6.30 - 21.30, SOB: 17.00 - 19.00